Are you taking advantage of your location? Today I want to talk about an advertisement I saw while in line to get my Starbucks one morning. My 9-5 job has me travelling to different offices from the Springs to Westminster filming loan officers for their social media marketing. Before I head to one of the further away offices I like to stop at my local drive-thru Starbucks for my pick-me-up. Opening next to the Starbucks
I recently joined a gym and let me tell you the workout was intense and I was totally out of my comfort zone. So, why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that I know how you feel when I tell you that you need to do videos and you say “I don’t feel comfortable doing videos.” When I walked in that gym I felt like everyone was staring at me
There may be many reasons why you got into your line of work; money, family business, fell into it, and passion. But what makes you stay? What gets you up in the morning and keeps you going day after day? When I first meet with my clients this is one of the first questions I ask. Creating videos is my passion. I love the creativity and the excitement on my clients faces when I turn
Stop making videos! If you are creating videos because you heard that is the best way to spread your message and make sales but you don’t have a marketing plan that supports your videos then you are just wasting your time. My name is Corrina and I am a Social Media Navigator helping you find your way through the social media wilderness and generate new leads by incorporating videos into your marketing plan. So now you